Monday, January 27, 2020

Dangers of Using Cell Phones while Driving

Dangers of Using Cell Phones while Driving Michael D. Stripling Rationale: The rate at which road carnages are reported have increased significantly especially within the 21st century. Many people have been involved in accidents because of recklessness and inattentiveness in the roads as motorists. Statistics on these establishments creates the need of effective address before further harm and deaths are experienced. Many aspects in life have contributed recklessness relative to phone use by motorists. Theories relative to multitasking, movies, and ideologies devised by cell phone companies are among major contributors to phone use in cars. The young members of society bare the harm of using phones in cars because of misinformation, lack of information or ignorance to road safety measures. The youth are among the population most affected by road carnages and effects. There is need to give information to the youth on the dangers of using cell phones in cars before they engage in driving lessons and eventually driving. The information to the young people is important as it would help inculcate good cultures in driving and being considerate while on roads. The significance of the dangers of using cell phones by motorist is addressing recklessness that contributes to the death of road users through unjustified ways. Through addressing such an issue the importance of road safety will be illuminated. Road carnages have been for long related to vices like drinking and the use of drugs that interfere with cognitive abilities while on the road. This aspect will contribute an understanding of the relationship between using cell phones and using drugs while driving. Therefore, the presentation seeks to enable positive contribution in saving humanity through knowledge on ways to reduce and prevent road accidents. Outline of the Presentation Introduction The changes that have been experienced in the modern society prompting the need for the constant use of cell phones The oblivious nature and ignorance involving drivers of the dangers on road ways. The use of cell phone on own and other people’s lives Insurance Institute of Highway safety stipulates higher chances of motorist indulging car accident based on two reasons. The motorists have to divert attention to the phone’s interface. The motorist gets immersed in the conversation and attention is limited. According to Virginia Tech Transportation Institute and National Highway Traffic Safety. Use of hand-free phones are dangerous compared to hand held phones while driving The excuse of not holding phones while driving to avoid accidents is unjustified. Motorists that use hand-free phones while driving are 18% slower when braking. This stipulates that multitasking is an inconsiderate myth while driving in major roads. Young people are mostly oblivious of the recklessness and are involved in car accidents unjustifiably. Conclusion Cell phones contribute positively and immensely to people’s lives. There is need for care to avoid unjustifiable death on the roads. Introduction The modern society comprises of businessmen, students, lawyers, doctors and people of different occupations. These people have to ensure that they are constantly connected to clients, family and other people of significance in their lives. The popularity of cell phones has ensured a constant connection and updates in the lives of such people. However, most people tend to indulge in the wrong use of cell phones. This is because some people are either forgetful, oblivious or ignorant of the dangers of using cell phones while driving. The chart above stipulates how drastic accident levels are among the young people in the United States of America; which have highest cell phones popularity and usage. The popularity of cell phones has contributed to a culture which is costly to the society based on the number of deaths on roads because of recklessness. Regardless of the urgency of a call, it is not justified to put other people’s lives at risk because of own neglect and perceptions . The prohibition of using cell phones while driving is based on the imminent threats to people lives. According to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, motorists are four times likely to get injured while driving and using their cell phones (Violanti Marshall, 1996). The high possibility of indulging in a car accident while using of cell phones is based on two factors. While dialing, most people have to look at the phone interface. This establishes a distraction from the incoming vehicles or objects, which increases the risk to crashing into an oncoming car or object. Another evident aspect that transpires in the use of cell phones is that people can be absorbed in the cell phone conversation to the extent that their thinking is impaired. This effect is similar to driving while drunk as the driver is not within proper reasonableness to make decisions while on the road. According to the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the use of hand-free phones is also dangerous compared to hand held phones (Rosenboom, 2006). In a study conducted in 2004, the motorists that used hands free phones have to redial approximately 40% of the time compared to the hand held phones by motorists (Rosenboom, 2006). This postulates the unjustified arguments which most people tend to engage as the excuse to use cell phones while driving. According to this research, the use of hand-free phones by motorists is more dangerous compared to the hand held phones. In the cases of near accident experiences, motorists that are on hands free phones are 18% slower in braking compared to those using hand-held phones (Lamble, et al, 1999). This statistic is similar to that of a person driving while intoxicated. These statistics support the ideology that is formed against the conventional knowledge of multitasking. Multitasking is a simple myth which does not suffice on the dangerous roads as truth or wisdom. Talking and driving are both activities that require attention. Therefore, performing both tasks at the same time is subjecting the brain to impossibilities and endangering other road users’ lives. The culture has grown popular especially among the youth who make statistics as they also suffer from road carnages due to recklessness. Conclusion Cell phones are vital gadgets to people’s lives especially in the 21st century where people have the need to be connected constantly. However, despite the convenience they offer, people have to consider the relative negative attributes. In the United States, it is reported that 6.4% of all crashes are because of inattentive driving (Strayer, Et al, 2003). Driving on any road, especially highways, is a matter that should not be taken lightly. This is because many people’s lives including unaware bystanders are dependent on the attentive level of motorist. Responsibility on the roads is a matter that requires the strictest rules against offenders to avoid road carnages. Potential Questions: Q: What are the best and most effective policies that can be implemented during cell phone usage in cars to reduce road accidents? A: Yes, more comprehensive driver education and technology and just 2 ways to improve driver safety. Q: The multitasking myth is commonly associated to females, therefore, are there narrower statistics of cell phones and car accidents relative to victim’s sex? A: There is no conclusive data to suggest that female drivers are any more likely to have an accident than males due to multitasking. Q: Is the level of road accidents set to get higher in the coming future and if so, what is the best way of creating awareness at both national and international levels? A: As the population increases in the coming decades, it is logical to say that road accidents will increase proportionally. One possible way to create awareness is a national campaign akin to the DARE drug awareness program of the 90’s. References Lamble, D., Kauranen, T., Laakso, M., Summala, H. (1999). Cognitive load and detection thresholds in car following situations: safety implications for using mobile (cellular) telephones while driving.Accident Analysis Prevention,31(6), 617-623. Rosenbloom, T. (2006). Driving performance while using cell phones: an observational study.Journal of Safety Research,37(2), 207-212. Strayer, D. L., Drews, F. A., Johnston, W. A. (2003). Cell phone-induced failures of visual attention during simulated driving.Journal of experimental psychology: Applied,9(1), 23. Violanti, J. M., Marshall, J. R. (1996). Cellular phones and traffic accidents: an epidemiological approach.Accident Analysis Prevention,28(2),

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Reconstruction :: essays research papers

At the end of the Civil War there was a period of time in the United States known as the reconstruction period, that lasted for about a decade. During this period the country was in a state of rebuilding. Money, bonds, and stocks were worth nothing. Forty thousand United State citizens were dead or gone, and cities lay in ruin. The dream of an independent nation was just that, an unrealistic dream. The south had lost entire cities to destruction of war and needed to not only rebuild them but also revive its cotton industry. During both the civil war and civil war reconstruction time periods, there were many changes going on in the Union. The Emancipation Proclamation, as well as legislation such as the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments, was causing a new awakening of democracy; while the renouncing of secession by the South marked a definite triumph for Nationalism. As well, the government was involved in altercations of its own. During reconstruction, the legislat ive and executive branches eventually came to blows over the use of power. The nation was being altered by forces which caused, and later repaired, a broken Union. President Lincoln wanted everything to return to normal as quickly as possible after the war. Therefore, Lincoln announced the freeing of all slaves in areas not in Union control. Although the proclamation did not free all slaves everywhere, it was the action that would push Congress to pass the thirteenth amendment in 1865. The amendment, ratified later in 1865, stated that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude . . . shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." Lincoln also established a plan for reconstruction, which was deemed the Ten Percent Plan. Even before the war ended, Lincoln knew there would be a need of a plan of reconstruction. Lincoln issued a proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction for the people in the south. The proclamation basically forgave and Confederate for trying to secede from the Union if he would swear to support the Constitution of the United States and the Union. Politically, Lincoln would recogn ize the state executively if one tenth of the conquered state’s total vote in the presidential election f 1860 took an oath of allegiance to the union and organized a government that got rid of slavery. The Radical Republicans wanted a slower readmission process so they trued to pass the Wade-Davis Bill, which would make one half of eligible voters to take the oath of allegiance and accept emancipation.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Reading Comprehension and Mathematical Problem Solving Skills Essay

ABSTRACT This study determined the relation between reading comprehension skills and mathematical problem-solving skills of fourth year high school students of Tagaytay City Science National High School. Specifically, the study aimed to: describe the profile of the students in terms of age, gender, birth order, parents’ educational attainment, parents’ occupation, and monthly family income; determine the level of reading comprehension skills of the students; determine the level of mathematical problem-solving skills of the students; determine the significant differences in the students’ reading comprehension skills when grouped according to age, gender, birth order, parents’ educational attainment, parents’ occupation, and monthly family income; determine the significant differences in the students’ mathematical problem-solving skills when grouped according to age, gender, birth order, parents’ educational attainment, parents’ occupation , and monthly family income; and determine the significant relationship between students’ reading comprehension skills and mathematical problem-solving skills. The descriptive-correlational research design was used in this study. The respondents of the study were the 222 fourth year high school students under the general curriculum. In order to collect data and provide answers to the research hypotheses, Students’ Questionnaire, researcher-made test on mathematical problem solving, and Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test were used by the researcher in gathering data. For data analysis, the following statistical tools were used: frequency, percentage, mean, t-test, analysis of variance and Pearson Product-Moment Coefficient of Correlation. The significance of the differences and relationship were tested at 0.05 level. Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn: The fourth year high school students of Tagaytay City Science National High School are mostly of average age, their ages range from 15 – 16 years old. There are  more female students than male students. A big percentage of the respondents are middle born. Majority of the respondents’ parents finish high school. Majority of the respondents’ fathers and mothers are unskilled workers. Most of the respondents’ family are low income earners, the monthly family income range from P 10,000 – P 19,999. The level of reading comprehension skill of the students is â€Å"good.† The level of mathematical problem-solving skill of the students is â€Å"fair.† There are no significant differences in the students’ reading comprehension skills when grouped according to age, gender, birth order, parents’ educational attainment, and monthly family income. However, there is a significant difference between reading comprehension skills and fathers’ occupation but there is no significant difference between reading comprehension skills and mothers’ occupation. There are no significant differences in the students’ mathematical problem-solving skills when grouped according to age, gender, birth order, parents’ educational attainment, parents’ occupation, and monthly family income. Finally, there is a significant relationship between students’ reading comprehension skills and mathematical problem-solving skills. The following are hereby recommended by the researcher: Students should observe proper study habits . They should develop a study schedule to help them maximize their time for studying that could lead to improvement of their reading comprehension and mathematical problem solving skills. There is a need to assist students develop favorable attitude toward reading different reading materials that suit their interest and age. Students should constantly practice solving mathematical problems, for them to master and to improve their skill. English teachers should motivate students to engage in recreational reading to facilitate language learning. They should help them develop the attitude of learning while enjoying. They should give quarterly reading reports using books, magazines, newspapers, and other reading materials that test their level of comprehension along literal, interpretative, and critical areas. These reports can be used to evaluate the progress of reading comprehension of the students. Likewise, mathematics teachers should provide students with proper motivation related to problem solving and create a positive learning environment to improve their performance. Further, mathematics teachers should introduce varied techniques and strategies in solving word problems. During classroom  instruction, they should check the steps adapted by the students in solving mathematical problems to correct their mistakes in that instance and to enhance their performance in mathematics. Parents must see to it that their children observe proper study habits and if possible guide them in their homeworks and other class activities . They must advise and encourage their children to read different reading materials. In addition, parents must understand that their children need to be guided most especially in their weaknesses in problem solving. The administrators should continuously train teachers in reading strategies to update them on the latest trends and issues so that they can use these in teaching students on how to read effectively and meaningfully. Similarly, the administrators should provide seminars and trainings about mathematical problem solving techniques to equip their teachers with new methods in problem solving, which they can later impart to their students in solving problems systematically and analytically. Moreover, school administrators should be supportive of their teachers to help them grow professionally. They should encourage teachers to pursue graduate studies in English and mathematics. Finally, school administrators should exert efforts to conceptualize programs and activities on how reading can be involved in mathematics instruction. Curriculum makers should develop learning materials that will enhance the reading comprehension and mathematical problem solving skills of the students. They should also focus on improving the curriculum of English and mathematics. Lastly, future researchers may conduct studies of this nature to validate the results of the present study and to include other variables which were not investigated in this study such as attitude toward mathematics and English, study habits, and some teacher related factors. MATEL, PABLO B., Reading Comprehension and Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills of Fourth Year High School Students of Tagaytay City Science National High School, SY 2013 – 2014. Master’s Thesis. Master of Arts in Education major in Mathematics Cavite State University, Indang, Cavite. Octber 2013. Adviser: Dr. Constancia G. Cueno.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Contrasting World Views in William Blake’s “the Lamb”...

The Contrasting World Views in William Blake’s â€Å"The Lamb† and â€Å"The Tyger† A person’s view of the world is very situational, depending on their life experiences and their religious beliefs. William Blake examines two different world views in the poems â€Å"The Lamb,† and â€Å"The Tyger.† These poems were written as a pairing which were shown in Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience respectively. While the first poem deals with a view of the world as innocent and beautiful, the other suggests a darker theme, with the narrator having a distorted view of the world he lives in. The world view depicted in Blake’s poem â€Å"The Lamb† is of innocence and beauty. The narrator of the poem is a young child who begins by asking a lamb â€Å"who†¦show more content†¦The narrators world view has drastically shifted from that depicted in â€Å"The Lamb.† The narrator now questions God’s motives and creations, and asks himself how God could create an animal capable of such destruction and p ain, while also creating an animal of peace and innocence. The two contrasting world views of the narrator in both â€Å"The Lamb† and â€Å"The Tyger† are direct comparisons of a child’s view of life, and of an adult’s experiences in life which alter his views of the world. In â€Å"The Lamb,† the child only see’s the good and innocence in the world, while in â€Å"The Tyger,† the narrator is now an adult and has become aware of the suffering and pain that the world is capable of. In the final line of â€Å"The Tyger,† the narrator asks himself: â€Å"Did he who made the Lamb make thee?† This line has been the subject of much debate among scholars and writers, as some suggest that Blake intended for the reader to realize that God created both the Lamb and the Tyger, but I see it differently. Yes in fact, it could have been God who created both the Lamb and Tyger, but I think that it could have also been Satan who create d the Tyger. The Lamb is a reflection of God’s goodness and love of the world, so how could a God who hasShow MoreRelatedWilliam Blake s The Lamb And The Tyger873 Words   |  4 Pagesdescribed as pure, tender, and innocent. Even in the Holy Bible, lambs are talked about in such high honor that they were even used to be holy sacrifices during biblical times. William Blake describes the young sheep in similar characteristics in the poem â€Å"The Lamb† and â€Å"The Tyger†. A tiger as we know its characteristics to be is fierce and mysterious. 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In the poem à ¢â‚¬Å"The Tyger† by William Blake, he makes an attempt to illustrate his feelings on evil and all that it represents. There is no definite answer given, yet a picture is painted to show us his thoughts and ponderings. His foresight and enlightened point of view only serve to further strengthen the knowledge of